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2024 AGM


Hello CJFC family


It is that time of year again when we must elect a Committee to orchestrate the running of the Club.


The AGM will be held on TUESDAY 19 November 2024.


There is always many exciting things on the horizon, and I for one am looking forward to a full and prosperous season in 2025.


I would like to take this time to thank all those Committee members, managers, coaches, players, spectators and parents that have helped run the Club in the 2024 season. There is a lot of organising and background work that has to take place and as President I greatly appreciate the effort.


At the AGM all positions will become vacant.  I would like to encourage you all to take the time and have a look at our Constitution, which is found on our website under the heading of Club and from the dropdown menu Association, to see if there is a duty that may be suitable for yourself. The Constitution lists all office bearers and Committee positions along with a brief description.


Please remember this is your club and it requires and deserves to be run correctly, so please don't hesitate to help out with any skill set you may have.  You may be good with accounts, organisation, spreadsheets, have a bar license, or have time to help out with the Saturday morning set up.


If you don't want to commit to a said position that's fine, however we could always do with some help.


I'm always available to talk if you have any questions.  My number is on the website.


I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM.


Yours in Football

Adam Cranney

President CJFC






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