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Grading Policy:


Grading players and forming teams is an important part of preparing for each season: both for the club’s operations and also the players’ participation and enjoyment in the sport.


CJFC strives to place each player into teams with players of similar ability, and then grade teams into competitions which are balanced. We believe this is critical for fair competition and for promoting individual skill development and – of course – having fun!

This means that where players want to play in the highest divisions they can, we will do everything to accommodate that preference. Friendship preferences will be accommodated where possible.  This is usually much easier to accommodate in lower division teams.


The grading process for 2024 is summarised below:

  1. Gather feedback. If you played with the club last year, we have already received feedback from your coaches and managers. This will give us some information about skill levels and friendship groups but is not a substitution for grading.

  2. Preferences. When a player registers to play with CJFC, they are given an opportunity to provide any preferences as to grade and any friendship groups.  If any new or returning player has team or friendship preferences which were not provided when registering, then they are welcome to provide them to

  3. Grading day. We strongly recommend players to attend the schedule grading days. This will give each player the best opportunity to be placed in the correct team, and in line with the principles outlined above. On grading day, players will be broken up into groups and will participate in small drills which are designed to test a player’s skill and technique.

  4. Graders are not just evaluating players on skill alone. They will be watching and providing feedback on players as a whole – skill, technique, improvement, engagement, discipline etc.

  5. Teams announced.  Within a week of grading day, emails will be circulated by the club notifying all registered players as to their team allocation.

  6. Team adjustments (where required). Sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments to teams between team announcements and the start of the season. This often happens if a lot of players register after grading day, or a player wishes to be on a different team and that can be accommodated.


CJFC also intends to run some dedicated additional coaching this year to hone ball skills, decision making, finishing and other discrete skills.  Those sessions will be available to all skill levels, and not just those who are more advanced players.



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